You can give your tithes and offerings to the Lord
through the ministries of St Mark's by
Donating online through LCA Online Donations & Payments
Click the button below to donate.
Making an electronic transfer to the church giving account:
Account Name: St Marks Lutheran Church
BSB: 704942
Account No: 100214959
Give by Regular Electronic Giving (REG)
REG is anonymous. Click the button below for more information and to sign up.
All members currently or thinking of giving to St Mark's by direct debit and other online formats please continue with this useful and appreciated habit of giving.
Remembering to use as a reference the service time example, 8am or 10am rather than you name.
Thank you for your generosity and prayer.
Send a cheque to St Mark's Lutheran Church
PO Box 550
Mt Gravatt East Q 4122
If none of the above options suit you, please contact the office on 07 3349 9512 or to make alternative arrangements.